
The Cedar Canyon PTO is excited to offer our students the opportunity to sign up for after school enrichment classes. These classes provide additional opportunities to spark interest and for additional learning experiences outside of the typical school day. 

Spring 2024 Enrichment will open on MONDAY, January 27th at 8 am and close on Monday, February 3rd at 9 pm. No Late Registrations will be accepted.

Please see the attached class descriptions to find the full list of classes.


For safety and the nature of specific classes, each class has a maximum class size that cannot be exceeded. If the class does not meet the minimum required enrollments, the class will be cancelled and all students will receive a refund.

Please be sure to check the age/grade guidelines before registering your child. So that instructors have an accurate class list, no late registrations or “walk-in” will be permitted.

Classes will run between February 18th - March 27th. All classes will be from 2:30-3:30

If you enrolled in a class, please check your Order Confirmation email for the day, time, and details of your enrollment.


  • Students must be picked up promptly at 3:30 each day.

  • Transportation home from class is the parents’ responsibility.

  • All students must have a note from home for their teacher each day they participate in an enrichment class.

  • Students attending YMCA Child Watch must also have a note for their instructor.

  • If you have any questions, please contact Shae Long at ccptoenrichment@gmail.com